Corrosion is a natural yet unwanted phenomenon that can be understood as the degradation of an object that happens due to any chemical reaction with its environment. We are well-versed with the concept of many natural phenomena, natural hazards that create havoc exponentially, similar is the case with corrosion, definitely, it is not as catastrophic as destructions like earthquake or weather crises but it can cause dangerous and expensive loss to everything. From small appliances to big machinery and wastewater systems to pumping stations, all could get damaged with the start of corrosion. Responsively, in the era of advancements, there are timeless corrosion control solutions to prevent this naturally occurring process and control its impact on the environment, industrialization, and society.
When Corrosion attacks machinery…
Imagine, all your money spent on state-of-the-art machinery gets ineffectual only because of corrosion! The cost of taking them back to the working system is unlimited and much ahead of your thoughts. When appliances made up of metals and alloys at industries get unnoticed and lack proper care & maintenance, they start deteriorating at a slow pace by the presence of atmospheric gases, moisture, and other corrosive gases.
Moreover, with the ongoing corrosion attacks, machinery failures do not easily detectable because the failures are only occurring due to existent natural conditions like atmosphere pollutants, odorous gases, humidity, and temperature.
Therefore, the safety and longer dependability of machinery and other electrical appliances may get affected by such airborne gaseous pollutants. It is highly advisable to not avoid such unforeseen happenings while inspecting some major damages at workstations.
Let’s observe some crucial effects in relation to corrosion attacking machinery…
Ø It is quite affirmative that due to the formation of corrosion layer over the appliances. The efficiency tends to reduce and leads to the closedown of companies.
- Complete damage of electrical appliances due to corrosion.
- The only solution left with corroded equipment is to get it done replaced.
The technique of corrosion control and prevention is strongly complex, by the fact that corrosion takes many different forms and proceeds at your plant by manifold factors. It is an undesirable yet natural process. Thus, the nature of the corroding environment may have various factors.
- Temperature: The ratio of corrosion is directly proportional to the temperature which implies the rise in temperature increases the rate/amount of corrosion at the facility.
- Humidity: Corrosion at the plant will be more when the comparative humidity present in the air is higher. The rate of moisture in the air is likely to produce electrolytes that become the cause for corrosion.
v Presence of polluted gases in the atmosphere: Air in and out at industrial locations tested to be corrosive gases like H2S, SO2, NOX. When these gases take up the forms of the acid liquids contiguous to the surfaces, their electrical conductivity increases, thereby the rate of corrosion increases.
- Suspended particles in the atmosphere: When the corrosion is caused by the attack of water, oxygen in the air, and suspended pollutants present in the air, it refers to atmospheric corrosion. In the case of air corrosion;
- If the particles are active in nature, they will take away all the moisture, causing intensified corrosion.
- If the articles are inactive in the process, they consume both the sulfur gases and moisture which will enhance the corrosion amount at the facility.
Therefore, it is advisable to augment corrosion control units at a factory or facility; From effects to nature, we contemplated everything in detail. For further steps, we need to check on some diligent corrosion control experts that must understand the effects of natural conditions, the type of product to be processed, and implement a corrosion control unit at the facility.
Therefore, reaching out to any agency that delivers expertise in determining corrosion problems with advanced solutions is one that you look for. AQOZA Technology is one of those corrosion control manufacturers in India, purposely planning to solve corrosion causing phenomenon with the methodologies like adsorption media, air filtration system, corrosion control units, and odor removal applications.